Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

THE crane.

Guess what is much much much more interesting than studying?
A crane! First thing i saw today when i looked out of the window was this crane. Probably,this apparition is not convincing enough for you to keep away from work but more than enough for me.
Tomorrow exam!

Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011


So here we go - some photos of the third film of the Barcelona travel!
As I thought, Rossman did NOT manage to develop the films WITH perforation which is quite sad. So I am thinking about buying a good photoscanner for scanning the negatives on my own.

Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011

Breakfast at the canteen

The Canteen:
This is where this little pepper-and-salt-package-mannequin was created.

A. and me had a break between the courses so there was enough time to make this little man dance around.